Ariadne podaje nić, przed nami korytarze, wstęgi ścieżek, niepoliczone wejścia, albo wyjścia...



9 lutego 2019

Eurydike - the flower of stone

Eurydike, just a few steps away
the birds are fluffy, so be careful
rate in the dimensions, let it be sharp
cut faults, your statue, overlap
on yourself, last only for a moment.

There are more meadows and tracts there, the flower wants
touch the emptiness in the water, see
I want a trail, the wind detaches the web
from the columns, cracks disappear, and a sigh
follows you in the dark corridors.

Even when you step back, these words come back
behind you, no one told them a simple condition
canon of gaze, statue, a fraction of a second back
Eurydike ...

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